People rowing in a workout class

Class Schedule

Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
6.15am CrossFit CrossFit CrossFit CrossFit CrossFit
7.15am CrossFit CrossFit CrossFit CrossFit CrossFit
8.15am CrossFit / Open Gym CrossFit / Open Gym CrossFit / Open Gym
9.00am CrossFit
9.30am CrossFit CrossFit CrossFit CrossFit CrossFit
10.00am CrossFit
10.30am Open Gym Open Gym Open Gym Open Gym Open Gym
11.00am Comp Class Weightlifting
12.00pm CrossFit Endurance CrossFit Endurance CrossFit
1.00pm Open Gym Open Gym Open Gym Open Gym
3.00pm Open Gym Open Gym Open Gym Open Gym
4.30pm CrossFit CrossFit CrossFit CrossFit
5.30pm CrossFit CrossFit CrossFit CrossFit CrossFit
6.30pm CrossFit CrossFit CrossFit CrossFit CrossFit
7.30pm CrossFit CrossFit / Open Gym Weightlifting CrossFit / Open Gym

What we offer




Training with other people keeps you motivated and accountable, with an Coach to keep you safe and focused, reducing the risk of injury. We challenge you every day through our programming which combines the best of all fitness methods, grounded in sports science, all the while having fun. So what is CrossFit: Our 1 hour CrossFit class consists of constantly varied functional movements performed at high intensity. Every workout is different and each class brings an element of group and personal training. We scale and adapt every workout to your level and provide you with progressions and structure to grow. Still wonder what you’ll get from CrossFit?



As British Weightlifting affiliated club with BWL certified level 2 or above coaches, New Horizon CrossFit is one of very few gyms in Hertfordshire and North London able to offer the very best coaching of the Olympic Lifts for the Snatch and Clean & Jerk. Weightlifting may sound intimidating, but it’s actually incredibly accessible. The movements may seem complex at first, but with proper instruction and practice, you’ll be amazed at what you can achieve. We have some of the highest Strength & Conditional levels in the country. Our British Weightlifting Club is designed to help students and fellow coaches to improve their Olympic lifting. We are a club filled with people who are eager to help you succeed.

Nutrition session at New Horizon CrossFit

Nutrition coaching

Nutrition coaching at New Horizon CrossFit. Physical exercise is just one part of living a healthy and active life, with nutrition being the foundation. When you pair our workouts with good eating habits, you’ll supercharge and maintain your results.

Lifting weights at New Horizon CrossFit

Personal Training

Some of the best personal training available in Hatfield. Individualised attention means that every second of your gym time is devoted to meeting your needs, whatever they are. Your Coach at New Horizon CrossFit will help you refine your goals and stay motivated to achieve them. Whether you want to build a specific skill set, strengthen weak areas, improve your mental health or gain a competitive edge in your sport, we can help you.

Our clients see incredible results

Achieve your goals at New Horizon CrossFit.

Day One

Increased brain functions and boosted mood.

Week One

Improved energy and better health.

Month One

Increased metabolism, changes in muscle mass & overall fitness.

Month Three

See-it-in-the-mirror results.

Month Six

Compliments from friends/family & a healthier, more efficient heart.

One Year

Increased life expectancy, better bone density and mental health.


Our gym offers membership options starting at just £75/month. Learn more about our pricing options now.

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